Planning and Development Department

Government of Tamil Nadu

Departments Mapping - Indicator Wise

S. No. Indicator Number Indicator Description Department Details
1 14.1.1 Coastal Water Quality Index Environment Department More Details
2 14.1.2c Number of hotspots analysed to prevent marine pollution. Environment Department More Details
3 14.1.3 Percentage use of Nitrogenous fertilizer out of total N,P,K (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium) Agriculture Directorate More Details
4 14.2.1 Percentage change in area under Mangroves Forest Department More Details
5 14.2.3 Percentage change in Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Forest Department More Details
6 14.2.3a Area under Marine protected areas (MPA) Forest Department More Details
7 14.2.3b Area under Live coral cover in the Gulf of Mannar Forest Department More Details
8 14.3.1 Average Marine acidity (pH) measured at representative sampling stations in the shore zone Environment Department More Details
9 14.3.2 Percentage of Live Coral cover to Total Coral Cover in Gulf of Manner Forest Department More Details
10 14.4.1 Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) in fishing Fisheries Directorate More Details
11 14.4.2 Marine Fish Production Fisheries Directorate More Details
12 14.5.1 Area under Mangroves/Coral Forest Department More Details
13 14.5.2 Percentage change in area under Mangroves Forest Department More Details
14 14.5.3 Percentage of available potential area developed under coastal aquaculture Fisheries Directorate More Details
15 14.b.1 Assistance to the traditional / artisanal fishers Fisheries Directorate More Details