Planning and Development Department

Government of Tamil Nadu

14 - Life below Water

S.No. Indicator Number Description Details
1 14.1.2a Number of sewage treatment plants installed along the coast (No of STPs) More Details
2 14.1.2b Number of Toilets constructed along the coast More Details
3 14.1.2c Number of hotspots analysed to prevent marine pollution. More Details
4 14.2.3a Area under Marine protected areas (MPA) More Details
5 14.2.3b Area under Live coral cover in the Gulf of Mannar More Details
6 14.3.2 Percentage of Live Coral cover to Total Coral Cover in Gulf of Manner More Details
7 14.4.1 Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) in fishing More Details
8 14.4.2 Marine Fish Production More Details
9 14.5.1 Area under Mangroves/Coral More Details