Planning and Development Department

Government of Tamil Nadu

6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

S.No. Indicator Number Description Details
1 6.1.1 Percentage of population having safe and adequate drinking water within their premises (Urban) More Details
2 6.1.2 Percentage of population using an improved drinking water source (Rural) More Details
3 6.2.1 Proportion of households having access to toilet facilities (Urban) More Details
4 6.2.1a Proportion of households having access to toilet facility (Rural) More Details
5 6.2.2 Percentage of districts achieving Open Defecation Free (ODF) target More Details
6 6.2.3 Percentage of schools with separate toilet facility for girls More Details
7 6.3.1 Capacity of sewage water treated (MLD) More Details
8 6.3.2 Percentage of industries (17 category of highly polluting industries/grossly polluting industry/red category of industries) complying with waste water treatment as per CPCB Norms More Details
9 6.4.1 Percentage of ground water withdrawal (%) against water availability More Details
10 6.4.2 Per capita storage (m3/person) More Details
11 6.4.3 Per capita availability of water (m3/person) More Details
12 6.5.1 Percentage area of river basins brought under integrated water resources management More Details
13 6.6.1 Percentage of blocks/mandals/Taluka over -exploited (in percentage) More Details
14 6.6.2 Percentage sewage load treated in major rivers More Details
15 6.6.4 Number of farm ponds/ check dams/percolation ponds/others/existing structures renovated More Details
16 6.b.1 Command Area covered under WUAs More Details
17 6.b.2 Proportion of villages with village water and sanitation committee (VWSC) More Details