Planning and Development Department

Government of Tamil Nadu

9 - Industry Innovation and Infrastructure

S.No. Indicator Number Description Details
1 9.1.1 Proportion of the rural population who live within 2 km of an all-season road More Details
2 9.1.1a Length of Roads More Details
3 9.1.4 Percentage of targeted habitations connected by all weather roads under Pradhan Manthri Gram sadak Yojana More Details
4 9.2.1 Percentage Share of GVA in Manufacturing to Total GVA More Details
5 9.2.1a Share of Manufacturing in GSDP (%) More Details
6 9.4.1a Number of Air quality monitoring stations More Details
7 9.5.3 Total number of Patents issued (granted) More Details
8 9.b.1a Total number of Patent issued (in Numbers) More Details
9 9.c.1 Number of Internet subscribers as a percentage of Total Population More Details
10 9.c.2 Number of broadband subscribers per 10,000 population More Details
11 9.c.2a Number of mobile connections per 100 persons in rural and urban area (Mobile Tele density) More Details