Planning and Development Department

Government of Tamil Nadu

12.2.1 - Percentage variation in per capita use of natural resources

Target 12.2 - By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources
Indicator Number 12.2.1
Indicator Description Percentage variation in per capita use of natural resources
Indicator Type National Specific
Indicator Info None
Unit of Measure Percentage
Frequency Yearly
Performance and Analysis
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State Level District Level State Level District Level District Level
Out turn of Forests produce Out turn of Forests produce Out turn of Forests produce Out turn of Forests produce Out turn of Forests produce
Percentage variation in per capita use of Renewable Energy (Hydro, wind, Solar, Cogen and Biomass) Percentage variation in per capita use of Renewable Energy (Hydro, wind, Solar, Cogen and Biomass) Percentage variation in per capita use of Renewable Energy (Hydro, wind, Solar, Cogen and Biomass) Percentage variation in per capita use of Renewable Energy (Hydro, wind, Solar, Cogen and Biomass) Percentage variation in per capita use of Renewable Energy (Hydro, wind, Solar, Cogen and Biomass)