Planning and Development Department

Government of Tamil Nadu

16.4.1 - Number of cases under the Arms Act

Target 16.4 - By 2030, significantly reduce illicit financial and arms flows, strengthen the recovery and return of stolen assets and combat all forms of organized crime
Indicator Number 16.4.1
Description Number of cases under the Arms Act
Indicator Type National Specific
Department State Crime Record Bureau
Indicator Info None
Unit of Measure Number
S. No. Year Value Target year Target Value Source
1 2015 227.0 2030 51 SCRB
2 2016 218.0 2030 51 SCRB
3 2017 152.0 2030 51 SCRB
4 2018 131.0 2030 51 SCRB
5 2019 255.0 2030 51 SCRB
6 2020 341.0 2030 51 SCRB
7 2021 627.0 2030 51 scrb
8 2022 525.0 2030 51 SCRB
9 2023 909.0 2030 51 SCRB