Planning and Development Department

Government of Tamil Nadu

11.5.1 - Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters per 100000 population.

Target 11.5 - By 2030, significantly reduce the number of deaths and the number of people affected and substantially decrease the direct economic losses relative to global gross domestic product caused by disasters, including water-related disasters, with a focus on protecting the poor and people in vulnerable situations
Indicator Number 11.5.1
Description Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters per 100000 population.
Indicator Type National Specific
Department Tamil Nadu Risk Reduction Agency
Indicator Info None
Unit of Measure Number per 1,00,000
S. No. Year Value Target year Target Value Source
1 2015 0.0 2030 - -
2 2016 0.0 2030 - -
3 2017 0.036005 2030 - 1. Annual Report on Natural Calamities 2017-18 (3rd, 4th & 25 lines on the 21st & 25 pages), TNDRRA. 2. Memorandum on damages due to “OCKHI Cyclone & Incessant Rains 2017 in Tamil Nadu – (Name of the Table: Extent of Damage due to Ockhi Cyclone Serial Nos. 8,9 & 10 of the 87th pages), TNDRRA. 3. Compendium of Circulars for Preparedness during NEM Season – 2020, (Name of the Table: Number of deaths due to Lightning & Thunderstorm, on the 49th page)
4 2018 0.0 2030 - -
5 2019 0.0 2030 - -
6 2020 0.0 2030 - -
7 2021 0.0 2030 - 1. Damages Report on Tauktea Cyclone - 2021, TNDRRA. 2. Damages Report on Yass Cyclone – 2021, TNDRRA. 3. Memorandum on Damages Due to Extremely Heavy Rainfall in Tamil Nadu – December 2021, TNDRRA. 4. Additional Memorandum on Damages Due to Extremely Heavy Rainfall in Tamil Nadu – December 2021, TNDRRA. 5. Supplementary Memorandum on Damages Due to Extremely Heavy Rainfall in Tamil Nadu – December 2021, TNDRRA.
8 2022 0.0 2030 - TNDRRA
9 2023 0.0 2030 - TNDRRA