Planning and Development Department

Government of Tamil Nadu

13.1.2 - Number of deaths attributed to extreme climate per 100000 population

Target 13.1 - Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries
Indicator Number 13.1.2
Description Number of deaths attributed to extreme climate per 100000 population
Indicator Type State Specific
Department Tamil Nadu Risk Reduction Agency
Indicator Info None
Unit of Measure Number per 1,00,000
S. No. Year Value Target year Target Value Source
1 2015 0.633961 2030 - 1. Annual Report on Natural Calamities 2015-16 (Name of Table: Damages reported during NEM 2015 on the 11th page), TNDRRA. 2. Memorandum on Flood Damages in TN - November 2015 (Name of the Table: Extent of Damage due to Natural Calamities on the 38th & 71st pages), TNDRRA. 3. Additional Memorandum on Flood Damages in TN - December 2015 (Name of the Table: Extent of Damage due to Natural Calamities on the 59th page), TNDRRA.
2 2016 0.032156 2030 - 1. Memorandum on Vardah Cyclone damages in Tamil Nadu – December 2016 (4th row of the table & 9th line of the 1st & 33rd pages, respectively), TNDRRA.
3 2017 0.134686 2030 - 1. Annual Report on Natural Calamities 2017-18 (3rd, 4th & 25 lines on the 21st & 25 pages), TNDRRA. 2. Memorandum on damages due to “OCKHI Cyclone & Incessant Rains 2017 in Tamil Nadu – (Name of the Table: Extent of Damage due to Ockhi Cyclone Serial Nos. 8,9 & 10 of the 87th pages), TNDRRA. 3. Compendium of Circulars for Preparedness during NEM Season – 2020, (Name of the Table: Number of deaths due to Lightning & Thunderstorm, on the 49th page)
4 2018 0.217674 2030 - 1. Annual Report on Natural Calamities 2018-19 (Name of Table: Human Loss on the 5th page), TNDRRA. 2. Memorandum on damages due to “GAJA Cyclone - 2018 , TNDRRA. 3. Additional Details for Memorandum on 13.12.2018 damages due to “GAJA Cyclone - 2018, TNDRRA. 4. Compendium of Circulars for during NEM Season – 2020, TNDRRA.
5 2019 0.126825 2030 - 1. Annual Report on Natural Calamities 2019-20 (9th line & Table of Damages reported during NEM 2019 on the 6th & 19thpages, respectively), TNDRRA. 2. Compendium of Circulars for Preparedness during NEM Season – 2020, (Name of the Table: Number of deaths due to Lightning & Thunderstorm, on the 49th page)
6 2020 0.086786 2030 - 1. Memorandum on Damages due to Nivar Cyclone, in TN 26.11.2020 (Name of the Table: Extent of Damage due to Natural Calamities (Serial Nos. 8, 9, & 10 on the 60th page), TNDRRA. 2. Memorandum on Damages due to Burevi Cyclone, in TN 3.12.2020 (3rd row of the Memorandum at a glance table on the 1st page), TNDRRA. 3. Memorandum on Damages due to Unprecedented Rains January 2021, TNDRRA. 4. Compendium of Circulars for Preparedness during NEM Season – 2020, TNDRRA.
7 2021 0.286642 2030 - 1. Damages Report on Tauktea Cyclone - 2021, TNDRRA. 2. Damages Report on Yass Cyclone – 2021, TNDRRA. 3. Memorandum on Damages Due to Extremely Heavy Rainfall in Tamil Nadu – December 2021, TNDRRA. 4. Additional Memorandum on Damages Due to Extremely Heavy Rainfall in Tamil Nadu – December 2021, TNDRRA. 5. Supplementary Memorandum on Damages Due to Extremely Heavy Rainfall in Tamil Nadu – December 2021, TNDRRA.
8 2022 0.189218 2030 - TNDRRA
9 2023 0.104085 2030 - Memorandum on damages in Michaung Cyclone and Heavy rainfall in southern districts - December 2023 ,TNDRRA