Planning and Development Department

Government of Tamil Nadu

13.3.2 - Capacity buildings and awareness campaigns

Target 13.3 - Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning
Indicator Number 13.3.2
Description Capacity buildings and awareness campaigns
Indicator Type State Specific
Department None
Indicator Info None
Unit of Measure Number
S. No. Year Value Target year Target Value Source
1 2015 64791.0 2030 - TNDRRA collected data from all DDMAs.
2 2016 74149.0 2030 - TNDRRA collected data from all DDMAs.
3 2017 131433.0 2030 - TNDRRA collected data from all DDMAs.
4 2018 80453.0 2030 - TNDRRA collected data from all DDMAs.
5 2019 99710.0 2030 - TNDRRA collected data from all DDMAs.
6 2020 77140.0 2030 - TNDRRA collected data from all DDMAs.
7 2021 166546.0 2030 - DDMA
8 2022 414864.0 2030 - TNDRRA collected data from all DDMAs.
9 2023 441958.0 2030 - TNDRRA collected data from all DDMAs.