Planning and Development Department

Government of Tamil Nadu

2.4.2 - Number of soil samples analysed

Target 2.4 - By 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and that progressively improve land and soil quality
Indicator Number 2.4.2
Description Number of soil samples analysed
Indicator Type State Specific
Department Agriculture Directorate
Indicator Info None
Unit of Measure Number
S. No. Year Value Target year Target Value Source
1 2015 441027.0 2030 - Department of Agriculture
2 2016 846602.0 2030 - Department of Agriculture
3 2017 684015.0 2030 - Department of Agriculture
4 2018 616515.0 2030 - Department of Agriculture
5 2019 342268.0 2030 - Department of Agriculture
6 2020 357347.0 2030 - Department of Agriculture
7 2021 322544.0 2030 - Department of Agriculture
8 2022 4060951.0 2030 - Department of Agriculture