Planning and Development Department

Government of Tamil Nadu

4.1.1 - Net Enrolment Ratio (NER)

Target 4.1 - By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes
Indicator Number 4.1.1
Description Net Enrolment Ratio (NER)
Indicator Type National Specific
Department State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha
Indicator Info None
Unit of Measure Percentage
S. No. Year Value Target year Target Value Source
1 2015 89.16 2030 - Performance and Statistical Information, School Education Dept, 2019-20
2 2016 90.21 2030 - Performance and Statistical Information, School Education Dept, 2019-20
3 2017 90.74 2030 - Performance and Statistical Information, School Education Dept, 2019-20
4 2018 90.9 2030 - Performance and Statistical Information, School Education Dept, 2019-20
5 2019 77.0 2030 - EMIS
6 2020 78.5 2030 - EMIS
7 2021 78.9 2030 - EMIS
8 2022 84.3 2030 - EMIS
9 2023 85.4 2030 - EMIS