Planning and Development Department

Government of Tamil Nadu

12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

S.No. Indicator Number Description Details
1 12.1.2 Production of Principal Crops and food production More Details
2 12.2.1 Percentage variation in per capita use of natural resources More Details
3 12.2.2 Percentage ground water withdrawal against availability More Details
4 12.3.2 Post harvest storage and distribution losses of Central/States Pool stocks of wheat and Rice More Details
5 12.4.2a Quality Monitoring by introduction of monitoring stations across the state: More Details
6 12.4.4 Percentage use of Nitrogen fertilizer out of total N,P,K (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Pottasium) More Details
7 12.5.1 Number of Waste Processing Facilities More Details
8 12.5.2 Number of Local bodies using waste segregation techniques More Details
9 12.5.3a Number of local bodies banning use of plastic More Details
10 12.5.4 Per capita hazard waste generated More Details
11 12.5.5 Ratio of processed quantity of hazard waste sent to recycle to hazard waste generated More Details
12 12.5.6 Municipal solid waste (MSW) treated against MSW generated More Details
13 12.5.7 Installed capacity of Grid Interactive Bio power per 100000 population More Details
14 12.5.8 Percentage of wards with 100% source of segregation More Details